Infra : Network BIND role

The purpose of this role is to create and delete a bind DNS service. This role is part of the STARTX infra ansible collection.


  • Ansible runtime
  • Installation of the requirements with ansible-galaxy install -r meta/requirements.yml

Role Variables

Key Default Description
in_bind_action create Action to perfom for the bind service
in_bind_port 53 The port where the DNS server will listen
in_bind_daemon bind Name of the proxy daemon
in_bind_package [bind, bind-utils] Name of the proxy package
in_bind_owner root The user owner of the named service that run the dns
in_bind_group root The group owner of the named service that run the dns
in_bind_forward_zone[].zone The zone that need to be configure with the server in the principal config
in_bind_reverse_zone[].zone The zone that need to be configure with the server in the principal config


Example playbooks

Create network_bind playbook

Create network_bind default configuration.

- name: Create network_bind
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.infra.network_bind
        in_bind_action: "create"

Delete network_bind playbook

Delete network_bind default configuration.

- name: Delete network_bind
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.infra.network_bind
        in_bind_action: "delete"